
Energetic Bonding



Nov. 13th, 2004 - Event Hosted by Ester Karli-Ackerman

September 25, 2004 - Event Hosted by Ester Karli-Ackerman

August 14, 2004 - Mystik Moon Store

July 10, 2004 - Mystik Moon Store

May 1st, 2004 - Love + Joy = Peace Epiphany



- November 19, 2005

Energetic Bonding Event
Group Abundance Session

Saturday, November 19, 2005 (1 – 3:00 p.m.)
3702 West Valley Highway NORTH, Auburn, Suite #202

MapQuest Directions, click here

(Just off West Valley Highway North and 37th)
(Front Office – Come EARLY!)

Invite Friends or Loved Ones to come along with you!
Make it a Family Event for Abundance!!*

*(Followup phone sessions are also available)

$89 (per person) (2 for $169) (3 for $249)

Send checks ASAP (payable to Enlightenment) to:

Helen P. Howell
1225 S.W. 330th Pl.
Federal Way, WA 98023
Cell (253)632-7257

(Or call me with Credit Card number)

Click Here to print the Mail-in Form

next event on November 19, 2005
Pay NOW to hold your space

$89 per person
or $169 for 2 or $249 for 3
(Payable to Enlightenment)

Payment Options: PayPal, Credit Card,or Check


Pay with PayPal

Pay $89 NOW to hold your space.
(Payable to Enlightenment)

Two Person Discount

Pay $169 NOW to hold 2 spaces.
(Payable to Enlightenment)

Three Person Discount

Pay $249 NOW to hold 3 spaces.
(Payable to Enlightenment)



Pay with Credit Card

To pay by credit card, please call Helen

Call: (253)-874-3726 or
or (360)-653-6857
E-mail: PlanEvent@EnergeticBonding.com



Pay by Check
Mail in your payment by using
this form. Click Here


- November 13, 2004

Helen and Joanie are pleased to announce the forthcoming of another ENERGETIC BONDING Event here in Federal Way on Saturday, November 13, at 6 p.m.
Seating is limited, so act quickly by sending your check for $39 payable to Enlightenment (see bottom address at the end of this e-mail). Invite a friend or loved one you know would benefit from this!! See details below:

Enlightenment (Blue Bird of Prosperity)


(Healing Guided Meditation for you and your loved ones
to Reconnect to your Divine Abundance!)

Energetic Bonding needs to occur on Three Levels:
With Divinity
With your Biological Parents,
and With Humanity.
Energetic Bonding is also done. . .
With the Body,
and With Food properly

Helen P. Howell, MRET (Energetic Bonding Coach)
cell (253)632-7257

(Note: Amazing positive shifts of abundance have occurred immediately for people from this 40 minute Energetic Bonding Session. Abundance just seems to flow in, including more money coming in, jobs showing up, free services and discounts coming your way, and opportunities presenting itself in perfect timing. Unlimited possibilities! ) (See www.energeticbonding.com for more information and for testimonials)

This session is Enhanced and Intensified by the Gifted Rev. Joanie A. Vogel, whose powerful Healing Singing Meditations, Sung by her, reach deep within the Soul, detoxifying your bodies' energies at many levels at once. (Joanie A. Vogel, 360-653-6857, Joanie@EnergySinger.com)

Hosted by
Ester Karli-Ackerman
1034 So. 316th Str.
Federal Way, WA

Take I-5, 320th Exit
Turn WEST.
Turn Right on Pac. Hwy 99
Turn LEFT at 312th
Then Left at 10th Ave.So./ (FW Library sign)
Continue on 10th &
Turn LEFT at 316th Str. ,

House #1034 on left

Send $39 (payable to Enlightenment) to hold your SPOT!

Seating is LIMITED!

Send to: Helen P. Howell

1225 S.W. 330th Pl.

Federal Way, WA 98023

( www.energeticbonding.com )

- September 25, 2004

Tonight (Monday 1:30 p.m.), Helen P. Howell and Joanie A. Vogel did a presentation at the Boeing Employees Parapsychology Club Meeting about Energetic Bonding (click here to learn more about what an Energetic Bonding Event is and what the benefits are www.energeticbonding.com).


Helen and Joanie are pleased to announce the forthcoming of another ENERGETIC BONDING Event here in Federal Way this Saturday, September 25, at 1:30 p.m. in Federal Way. Seating is limited, so act quickly by sending your check for $39 payable to Enlightenment (see bottom address at the end of this e-mail). Invite a friend or loved one you know would benefit from this!! See details below:

Enlightenment (Blue Bird of Prosperity)

(Healing Guided Meditation for you and your loved ones
to Reconnect to your Divine Abundance!)

Energetic Bonding needs to occur on Three Levels:
With Divinity
With your Biological Parents,
and With Humanity.
Energetic Bonding is also done. . .
With the Body,
and With Food properly

Helen P. Howell, MRET (Energetic Bonding Coach)
(253) 874-3726
cell (253) 632-7257


(Note: Amazing positive shifts of abundance have occurred immediately for people from this 40 minute Energetic Bonding Session. Abundance just seems to flow in, including more money coming in, jobs showing up, free services and discounts coming your way, and opportunities presenting itself in perfect timing. Unlimited possibilities! ) (See www.energeticbonding.com for more information and for testimonials)

This session is Enhanced and Intensified by the Gifted Joanie A. Vogel, whose powerful Healing Singing Meditations, Sung by her, reach deep within the Soul, detoxifying your bodies' energies at many levels at once. (Joanie A. Vogel, 360-653-6857, Joanie@EnergySinger.com)

Hosted by Ester Karli-Ackerman
1034 So. 316th Str. - Federal Way, WA

Take I-5, 320th Exit - Turn WEST.
Turn Right on Pac. Hwy 99
Turn LEFT at 312th
Then Left at 10th Ave.So./ (FW Library sign)
Continue on 10th & Turn LEFT at 316th Str. ,
House #1034 on left


Send $39 (payable to Enlightenment) to hold your SPOT!

Seating is LIMITED!

Send to: Helen P. Howell
1225 S.W. 330th Pl.
Federal Way, WA 98023


- August 14, 2004

Hello Everyone!
Joanie here!

I will be in Sedro Woolley on August 14th 2004 (noonish), for a 1-2pm
ENERGETIC BONDING EVENT with Healing Sound Purification.

Call now for directions.
Location: Mystik Moon Store in the Diamond Plaza
Where: 303 State Street, Sedro Wooley, WA 98284
Call to Register: 1-360-855-2991 ask for Janet
Time Commitment: approximately 1 Hour
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Day: Saturday
Date: August 14th, 2004

I will be facilitating this ENERGETIC BONDING EVENT 'solo' (without Helen oxxoox ;-) and look forward to creating an illuminating awakening for all present!

PS. I will have fresh Henna paste ready to use for those wishing to experience 'Happy Henna Temporary Body Art' starting at $5 for small design and up. INTUITIVE HENNA READINGS upon request for $20 are always enlightening! (After the ENERGETIC BONDING EVENT)
Living Aloha

Reverend Joanie A. Vogel
ENERGETIC BONDING Sound Healing Event Facilitator

Sacred Art Jewelry ::::: Inspirational Motivation Speaker
Energy Clearing for Your Home, Your Self and Your Office
Destiny Card Reports ::::: (Karmic) Love Compatibility Reports
joanie@energysinger.com       www.energysinger.com

- July 10, 2004

in Sedro Woolley, Washington

Joanie A. Vogel, Energy Singer and Helen P. Howell, MRET, co-facilitate this life-altering experience.

We are traveling a distance to bring this to you and we need to know how many are going to partake in this opportunity, so pre register and payment is requested. Practitioners-readers-healers-teachers: Are you ready to 'own' your own abundant and rich life? ( www.energeticbonding.com )

DATE: July 10th
TIME: choose ONE - 1:30 PM group session or 3:30 PM group session
INVESTMENT: $39 in advance upon registration
WHERE: Mystik Moon 303 State St, Sedro Woolley, WA 98284

Call JANET at MYSTiK MOON to register 360-855-2991
or Joanie 360-653-6857
or Helen 253-632-7257

- May 1st, 2004

The next session of

will feature Guest Speaker Rev. JOANIE A. VOGEL
(360) 653-6857
E-mail: Joanie@EnergySinger.com

Rev. Joanie A. Vogel is a highly respected Shamanic Spiritual Adviser, Trainer and Teacher who is noted for her everyday down-to-earth spiritual approach and her peaceful presence. She is a Recording Artist, a Sound Healing pioneer, an Energy Singer and Author with over 30 years of professional esoteric experience. Joanie is also the Founding Director of the ACADEMY OF LIGHT Intuitive Arts Mystery School, which is dedicated to everyday energy management, mind magnetics, spiritual training and the soul's progression.

Recently, she became a CO-Facilitator of a fantastic abundance technique called ENERGETIC BONDING.

Your evening will begin with a petite energy sung meditative blessing.

Joanie will be presenting:

She will also give overviews of her famous "Bitch & Moan Ceremony" for toxic emotional release and the empowering "Pull Your Power Back" technique.

Detailed instructional sheets will be available to purchase after the presentation:
Bitch & Moan Ceremony - l page….$5.00
Pull Your Power Back - 3 pages…$l0.00
Also available for purchase:
"A Mass Healing Meditation Experience" CD….$l5.00

Bring your mind and bring your friends!

PLACE: Countrywalk Apts. CABANA 3711 164th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98037

AGENDA: 6:30-7:30 Feasting (bring something to share)
7:30-7:45 Announcements
7:45-8:30 Presentation by Rev. Joanie A. Vogel
8:30-9:30 Psychic & Healing Demonstrations

ENTRANCE FEE: $5.00 RSVP: Norma at (425) 743-5152

If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please contact me and I will delete your address from the data base. Thank you! bluebirdnjm@aol.com

- March 13, 2004
EVENT: ENERGETIC BONDING, Hosted by Helen P. Howell



When: Saturday, March 13, 2004

Where: Countrywalk Apts. Cabana
3711 164th St. SW
Lynnwood, WA 98037

Time: 5:30PM & 7:30PM

Fee: $39.00

Come join Helen P. Howell & Joanie A. Vogel

Have an Energetic Bonding Session with Helen and experience a Singing Meditation with Joanie.

Amazing positive shifts have occurred for people from this 40-minute Energetic Bonding/Singing Meditation Session. Abundance just seems to flow in, including more money coming in, jobs showing up, free services and discounts coming their way and opportunities presenting themselves in perfect timing.

Call now to hold your spot and time preference.
(253) 874-3726
(253) 632-7257

E-mail: spreadthejoy@comcast.net